
Start your career path at Minifaber by sending your application to our HR specialists.


The worker will be placed in the welding department and supported in the following activities:

  • TIG welding with and without material input (light carpentry)
  • assembly and mounting of carpentry elements
  • grinding and finishing of parts
  • batch processing


  • minimum 2/3 years experience
  • good understanding and reading of mechanical drawings
  • good knowledge of materials (iron, galvanized material, stainless steel, aluminum)

Contract type: direct contract
Hours: full-time/shift work (6 a.m./4 p.m. - 2 p.m./10 p.m.)

The search is aimed at candidates of either sex (L. 903/77).

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Open positions

Start your career path at Minifaber by sending your application to our HR specialists.


The worker will be placed in the welding department and supported in the following activities…