Design and construction Metal molds

Minifaber specializes in precision metalworking dies. We guarantee quality, durability and process control, while offering customized and innovative solutions.

Learn about the die types we make.

Minifaber specializes in precision metal dies. We guarantee quality and durability, offering customized and innovative solutions. Discover our services.

Design and construction of transfer molds

Transfer molds are ideal for the production of medium to large parts. 
At Minifaber, we design and make custom ttransfer molds: when to choose transfer molds? And for which sectors are they suitable?

Design and construction of progressive molds

A progressive sheet metal mold is used to perform multiple steps on a continuous sheet metal strip. 
It is ideal for producing small or medium-sized parts in large quantities. 
When to choose them and for which sectors?

Minifaber specializes in precision metal dies. We guarantee quality and durability, offering customized and innovative solutions. Discover our services.
Minifaber specializes in precision metal dies. We guarantee quality and durability, offering customized and innovative solutions. Discover our services.

Design and construction of deep-drawing molds

A deep-drawing mold is a tool designed to shape a flat metal sheet into a hollow three-dimensional shape (such as a cylinder, cup, tank or container) through a process of plastic deformation without breaking the material. 
When to choose them and for which sectors?