Weft thread accumulator for textile looms

It accumulates weft thread to feed high speed textile looms

Minifaber manufactures weft accumulators for high-speed textile looms. High quality and precision guaranteed. Contact us now for a quote!
Generic description


A weft thread accumulator is a device used to efficiently feed high-speed textile looms, ensuring a continuous and controlled flow of weft thread during the weaving process.

Its main function is to optimize thread transfer to the loom, avoiding uneven tension or breaks that could compromise fabric quality or reduce production speed.

The customer was looking for a supplier who could guarantee components made to extremely precise tolerances to ensure smooth, vibration-free movement. Even the slightest deviation can affect the quality of the fed wire or cause damage to the device.

Textile machinery
Scope of application
high-speed textile looms

  • Extremely precise tolerances to ensure smooth, vibration-free movement

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